- Midlands
- counties of CEN. England.
Webster's Gazetteer. 2013.
Webster's Gazetteer. 2013.
Midlands — Midlands, West Región de Gran Bretaña, en el centro E de Inglaterra, formada por los condados de Derbyshire, Llicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire y el condado metropolitano de West Midlands. Cap.,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Midlands — [mid′ləndz] highly industrialized region of central England, usually considered to include the present counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, & E Hereford and… … English World dictionary
Midlands — rég. de G. B., plaine marneuse du centre de l Angleterre. L industr. s y est développée dès le XVIIIe s., grâce aux mines de fer (auj. épuisées) et de houille (auj. en déclin). Principaux centres: Birmingham, Nottingham … Encyclopédie Universelle
Midlands — blau: Nordengland (Northern England) grün: Mittelengland (Midlands) gelb: Südengland (Southern England) Die Midlands (‚Mittelland‘) sind der zentrale Teil Englands rund um Birmingham. Sie entsprechen etwa dem mittelenglischen Tiefland, dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Midlands — There are several regions and places in the world known as the Midlands. These include: Midlands (England) Midlands, South Carolina, United States Midlands (Tasmania), Australia Midlands (Zimbabwe) Mittelland, Switzerland, see Swiss plateau… … Wikipedia
Midlands — /mid leuhndz/, n.pl. the central part of England; the midland counties. * * * ▪ region, England, United Kingdom region of central England, commonly subdivided into the East and the West Midlands. The East Midlands includes the historic and… … Universalium
Midlands 9s — The Midlands 9s is a rugby league nines event held in the Midlands region and organised by the Midlands Rugby League. It was first held on April 20, 2008 at the home ground of Old Coventrians, Coventry, England. The same venue hosted the 2009… … Wikipedia
Midlands — 52° 42′ N 1° 30′ W / 52.7, 1.5 Les Midlands forme une région géographique du centre de l Anglete … Wikipédia en Français
Midlands 1 — English Rugby Union Midland Division Midlands 1 is an English Rugby Union League.Midlands 1 is made up of teams from the Midlands who play home and away matches throughout a winter season. As with many low level they are often subject to re… … Wikipedia
Midlands — [[t]mɪ̱dlənds[/t]] N PROPER COLL: the N The Midlands is the region or area in the central part of a country, in particular the central part of England. ...an engineering company in the Midlands … English dictionary
Midlands — /ˈmɪdləndz/ (say midluhndz) plural noun 1. the central part of England; the midland counties including Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands and Worcestershire. 2. a farming… …