Nicobar Islands

Nicobar Islands
isl. terr. of India; 19 isls. in the Bay of Bengal; 754 sq. mi.; pop. 22,000.

Webster's Gazetteer. 2013.

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  • Nicobar Islands — [nik′ō bär΄, nik΄ō bär′] group of islands in the Bay of Bengal: 635 sq mi (1,645 sq km): see ANDAMAN ISLANDS …   English World dictionary

  • Nicobar Islands —   [ nɪkəʊbɑː aɪləndz], Inselgruppe im Indischen Ozean, Nikobaren …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Nicobar Islands — Map of Nicobar Islands The Nicobar Islands (Hindi: निकोबार द्वीप समूह or नारिकेलद्वीप, [nɪkoːˈbaːr ˈd̪ʋiːp səˈmuːɦ], Bengali: নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, Tamil: நக்காவரம்) are an archipelagic island chain in the eastern Indian Ocean. They are located in… …   Wikipedia

  • Nicobar Islands — /nik euh bahr / a group of islands of India in the E part of the Bay of Bengal, forming the S part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 30,433; 635 sq. mi. (1645 sq. km). * * * ▪ islands, India       island group, Andaman and Nicobar Islands union …   Universalium

  • Nicobar Islands — Nic′o•bar Is′lands [[t]ˈnɪk əˌbɑr[/t]] n. pl. geg a group of islands of India in the E part of the Bay of Bengal, forming the S part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 30,433; 635 sq. mi. (1645 sq. km) …   From formal English to slang

  • Nicobar Islands — /nɪkəbar ˈaɪləndz/ (say nikuhbahr uyluhndz) plural noun a group of small islands belonging to India in the Bay of Bengal, west of the Malay Peninsula; a part of the centrally administered territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 1645 km2 …  

  • Nicobar Islands — /nik euh bahr / a group of islands of India in the E part of the Bay of Bengal, forming the S part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 30,433; 635 sq. mi. (1645 sq. km) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Nicobar Islands — geographical name islands India in Indian Ocean S of Andaman Islands area 740 square miles (1917 square kilometers), population 14,563 see Andaman and Nicobar …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • NICOBAR ISLANDS —    (7), a group of picturesque islands in the Indian Ocean, S. of the Andaman Islands and midway between Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula; 14 of the 20 islands are inhabited, chiefly by indigenous Indians and Malays; after being in the hands of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Nicobar Islands — noun An archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Syn: Nicobars …   Wiktionary

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