- Plattsburgh
- city, NE New York 12901; pop. 21,255.
Webster's Gazetteer. 2013.
Webster's Gazetteer. 2013.
Plattsburgh — Devise : Ipsa Sibi Præmium Virtus (La vertu est sa propre récompense) Surnom : The Lake City (La ville sur le Lac) A … Wikipédia en Français
Plattsburgh — Saranac River und McDonough Monument Lage in New York … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plattsburgh — Plattsburgh, NY U.S. city in New York Population (2000): 18816 Housing Units (2000): 8010 Land area (2000): 5.046909 sq. miles (13.071435 sq. km) Water area (2000): 1.536680 sq. miles (3.979984 sq. km) Total area (2000): 6.583589 sq. miles… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Plattsburgh, NY — U.S. city in New York Population (2000): 18816 Housing Units (2000): 8010 Land area (2000): 5.046909 sq. miles (13.071435 sq. km) Water area (2000): 1.536680 sq. miles (3.979984 sq. km) Total area (2000): 6.583589 sq. miles (17.051419 sq. km)… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Plattsburgh — Plattsburgh, Hauptstadt der Grafschaft Clinton im nordamerikan. Staate New York an der Mündung des Saranac in den Champlainsee, mit gutem Hafen, Bahnknotenpunkt und wichtiger Militärposten der Union, mit großen Kasernen, Zollhaus, hat namhafte,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Plattsburgh — [plats′bʉrg] [after Z. Platt, early settler, c. 1784] city in NE N.Y., on Lake Champlain: scene of a British invasion (1814) repulsed by the U.S.: pop. 19,000 … English World dictionary
Plattsburgh — /plats berrg/, n. a city in NE New York, on Lake Champlain: battle, 1814. 21,057. * * * City (pop., 2000: 18,816), northeastern New York, U.S. Situated on the western shore of Lake Champlain, south of the Canadian border, Plattsburgh was founded… … Universalium
Plattsburgh — Ciudad (pob., 2000: 18.816 hab.) en el nordeste del estado de Nueva York en EE.UU. Se encuentra en la ribera occidental del lago Champlain, al sur del límite con Canadá. Plattsburgh fue fundada por Zephaniah Platt en 1784. Fue escenario de una… … Enciclopedia Universal
Plattsburgh — Original name in latin Plattsburgh Name in other language PBG, PLB, Platsburg, Plattsburg, plats bwrg, nywywrk, Платсбург, Платтсбург State code US Continent/City America/New York longitude 44.69949 latitude 73.45291 altitude 45 Population 19989… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Plattsburgh Pioneers — Gründung 1984 Auflösung 1985 Geschichte Plattsburgh Pioneers 1984 – 1985 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plattsburgh (Amtrak station) — Plattsburgh Amtrak station Station statistics … Wikipedia